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From Stressed to Zen: How Qigong Can Transform Your Life Health

From Stressed to Zen: How Qigong Can Transform Your Life

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is more than just an occasional inconvenience – it’s a chronic issue that damages individual health as well as their social connections. Many stress relief techniques require significant time or financial commitments, leaving sufferers feeling even more overwhelmed, but qigong offers an accessible and cost-effective alternative. If you’re eager to […]

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4 minute read

Beyond the Blues: Distinguishing Between Sadness and Depression Health

Beyond the Blues: Distinguishing Between Sadness and Depression

Sadness, an emotion we all grapple with, surfaces in response to life’s varied challenges and moments of disappointment. Yet, it’s crucial to understand that this fleeting emotion, tied often to specific events, stands distinct from depression, a more profound and persistent state of despair. If you or a loved one is feeling lost in the […]

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3 minute read

How Blue Light Positively Affects Your Health: 6 Surprising Benefits Health

How Blue Light Positively Affects Your Health: 6 Surprising Benefits

Our lives are filled with streams of blue light, a component of the light spectrum notably emitted by our screens, LED lights, and even the sun. While it’s frequently vilified due to its potential adverse effects on sleep and eye health, blue light can serve as a beneficial aid to our health when consumed in […]

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4 minute read

Debunked: 8 Common Myths About Dyslexia Health

Debunked: 8 Common Myths About Dyslexia

Dyslexia, a common learning disorder with a neurological basis, predominantly affects an individual’s ability to read, spell, and recognize words. Despite its prevalence, societal understanding of dyslexia is often obscured by a myriad of misconceptions and myths that often makes diagnosis and treatment more complex. If you’re looking to build an empathetic and supportive space […]

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4 minute read