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pet health

How To Keep Your Pets Cool and Comfortable in the Summer Lifestyle

How To Keep Your Pets Cool and Comfortable in the Summer

When summer rolls around, it’s not only humans who feel the heat. Our pets do, too. The summer months can be uncomfortable and even dangerous for pets if proper precautions aren’t taken. High temperatures can cause overheating, dehydration, and other health issues. That’s why it’s critical to keep pets cool and comfortable. Fortunately, you can […]

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4 minute read

Does Your Pet Have a Skin Allergy? Here’s How to Treat It for Cheap Health

Does Your Pet Have a Skin Allergy? Here’s How to Treat It for Cheap

Is your dog or cat constantly scratching, rolling around on the floor, or whimpering in discomfort? They’re most likely suffering from a common pet allergy: a skin condition known as atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is an allergic reaction to environmental conditions or caused by something your pet has consumed. Most pet owners never think animals […]

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