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Why You Should Consider a Human Resources Degree

4 minute read

By natadm

Have you considered getting a human resources degree?

Not only will a human resources degree open the door for greater financial success, but it also gives you an opportunity to make a difference. Furthermore, there are a variety of different jobs available for people who have an HR degree.

Benefits of Having an HR Degree:

Plenty of Potential Jobs

Considering human resources is among the hottest career fields in the country, there are more than enough jobs to fill the demand. In fact, we have highlighted a few jobs to show the variety and scope available.

Human Resources Specialist

When working as a human resources specialist, your job will be to recruit workers for your company. You’ll perform important tasks like placing advertisements for job positions and even hiring people. Another responsibility typically handled by a human resources specialist is managing the payroll.

In terms of salary, expect to earn an average of nearly $54,000 a year.1

Human Resources Manager

After you have a few years of experience as a human resources specialist under your belt, the next step is to seek a managerial position.

Aside from managing recruitment policies, you may be required to take disciplinary actions against employees. In the event a dispute arises between two employees, your job will be to mediate the situation.

With an annual salary of $102,000 a year, human resource managers enjoy a significant increase in pay.2

Training and Development Specialist

If you love to teach people new skills, a training and development specialist may prove to be an ideal position. Your primary role is to educate new employees. Tasks, like holding team-building exercises and showing new personnel the ropes, will all be part of your leadership duties.

According to the latest stats, training and development specialists can anticipate making $60,870 annually.3

Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialist

To hold this position, you must prepare to do a lot of research. It calls for you to set fair salaries for employees and ensure the company is adhering to all its legal requirements. Plus, this job requires you to prepare reports for managers.

With these important tasks, expect to take home about $63,000 a year.4

Promotes Creativity and Problem-Solving

A human resources degree is perfect for people who have a creative mindset.

Since the world is constantly changing, new strategies and skills are always needed. To stay ahead of the game, you must continue to develop fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

Allows You to Perform a Variety of Tasks

For many people, performing the same tasks every day becomes a bit boring. Fortunately, working in human resources gives you a chance to handle a variety of different duties.

For instance, one day may see you set up a recruitment booth at a job fair, while you could be training new employees the next day.

An Ability to Influence

In the human resources field, you’ll never have to worry about being left out. The nature of your job enables you to have a direct influence on a company’s success.

Since you may be in a position to hire someone, expect to change lives. The feeling of knowing you’ve helped someone get back on their feet is priceless.5

Is a Master’s Degree Worth It?

After getting a bachelor’s in human resources, some people will then opt to seek a master’s degree.

When holding a master’s degree, you have an opportunity to quickly move up the career ladder. This is especially true for people who desire a managerial job. With the higher position naturally comes greater earnings. Also, because of the job market’s competitive nature, a master’s degree always looks better on your resume.

Despite the many upsides of a master’s degree in human resources, there are some cons to consider.

For starters, you must factor in the cost of your tuition. While some companies help cover the expense of schooling for their employees, this isn’t always the case.

Additionally, getting a master’s degree requires more intense studying. So, be sure you’re ready to handle the extra workload.6

It’s Easy to Start Earning Your Degree

Earning a degree in human resources is now easier than ever.

Firstly, financial assistance programs are easily available. So, don’t allow the cost of tuition to deter you. Tuition at online colleges can be more affordable than traditional colleges; OnlineU reports that an online degree from Georgia Southwestern State University costs less than $6,0007.

While some people prefer a traditional classroom setting, enrolling in an online college may prove to be even more rewarding. You’ll be able to save time and avoid the hassle of getting to class. While a human resources degree at a traditional college may take four years, an accelerated online program gives you a chance to earn a degree in less than two years.

To find out the best route to take, make sure to take some time to do your own research.

