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3 Cool Ways to Travel Right From Your Couch

4 minute read

By natadm

Just because you’re stuck at home or don’t have the money to go on a trip doesn’t mean you can’t travel. There are ways for you to explore attractions the world has to offer — all from the comfort of your own home! All you need is an internet connection for some instant entertainment.

Tourist attractions are giving people online experiences for those who can’t physically make it to their location. These virtual tours, travels, and more can be a way to learn new things, ease boredom or give you some ideas for the next time you’re able to go on vacation.

woman lounging on couch with laptopVlad Teodor / Shutterstock

Here are three ways you can virtually travel from home.

1. Virtual Museums

One of the most popular things you can do while traveling is visit a museum. With so many different cultures and histories around the world, there are a ton of things to see and learn.

Plenty of museums have online tours and experiences available on their websites. You can admire artwork, one-of-a-kind displays, whimsical corridors and architecture simply with a few scrolls. You can check out the following examples to get started:

The Louvre

One of the most famous museums in the world saw over 10 million¹ visitors alone in 2019. Now, you can virtually experience some of its exhibits online.

There are four virtual tours² to choose from. One of them is the Egypitian antiquities that display collections from the Pharaonic period. Another gallery you can admire is the Galerie d’Apollon, which has stunning ceilings and iconic artwork.

Uffizi Gallery

This iconic museum is located in Florence, Italy. Some of its most famous artists on display include Michelangelo Merisi da Carvaguim Sandro Botticeli and Flippio Lippi.

The gallery’s interactive online tour³ allows you to choose specific floors and rooms to view. Easily glide through the different artworks virtually, and you’ll be just as informed as someone who has physically been inside the museum.

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

Located in South Korea, this museum first opened its doors in 1969. You can learn about the art, culture and history of the country through their various exhibits.

One of the coolest things you can do with the museum’s online interactives is the virtual reality tour.⁴ With your Android and iOs device, you can install an app and instantly transport yourself into the museum.

2. Virtual Zoos

Name any major city, and there’s probably some type of animal attraction that brings in thousands of visitors each year. Many of these sanctuaries are taking their viewership one step further by having live feeds of their animals.

Many zoos stream 24/7 and offer a ton of choices to choose from. From furry mammals, scaly reptiles to underwater creatures, these webcams will give you a glimpse into the life of an animal. Here are some places to check out.

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

If you ever dreamed of visiting the wildlife in Australia, you can now do it virtually. The Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary is located in Queensland and has a ton of different webcams to check out. There are 12 koala webcams⁵ to choose from that give you views across different parts of the sanctuary. The facility also has webcams for its other wildlife residents that include dingos, reptiles, platypus and birds.

San Diego Zoo

Founded in 1916⁶, the San Diego Zoo is home to more than 3000 animals and 300 species. It is a massive zoo that features plenty of online entertainment. Their live cams have 12 different species to check out. This includes baboons, penguins, polar bears, giraffes and more. Their site also introduces each animal with their name and informative bios.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

For a more aquatic animal experience, visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They have been working in animal conservation since 1984 and have over 35,000 creatures on their grounds. Their online experience has 10 different cameras⁷ to view. You can be mesmerized by the penguins, jellyfish, sharks and sea otters right from your couch.

Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Located in Washington, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo is one of the country’s most historic attractions and sees over two million⁸ visitors every year. The zoo takes care of over 2700 animals and you can catch some of them on the website’s live feeds. The zoo has four live feeds⁹ to check out. There’s a camera for elephants, giant pandas, lions and naked mole-rats.

3. Explore On Google Maps

If you’ve ever wanted to wander the streets of Paris, gawk at the buildings in New York City or explore the coastlines of Australia, going onto Google Maps is the cheapest and easiest way to do that.

All you have to do is go onto your computer or download Google Maps on your phone. Type in a city, street or tourist attraction and click the street view. You can click around from the perspective of a pedestrian and feel like you’re actually there.

It’s a great way for you to explore far away places, or spark inspiration for future travel plans for you to see it in person someday.

Check Out Other Ways To Travel Online

Thanks to technology, you no longer need to spend a ton of money to explore far and beyond places. Taking advantage of these uniquely virtual experiences can be a lot of fun and entertaining.

If there’s a tourist attraction you’ve always wanted to visit, do a quick search online and see if the destination offers any interactive features online. Not only is it a great way to keep you busy while lounging at home, but it will also have you looking forward to someday visiting the place in person.




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