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Gastric Cancer: The Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment Options

5 minute read

By natadm

Cancer can grow in any and every area of the body, its cells spreading rapidly. And while there are many different types of cancer, one of the more complex is gastric cancer. Better known as stomach cancer, gastric cancer can take a number of different forms.

Like all types of cancer, stomach cancer typically begins in one area of the body – the stomach – and spreads to others. And, as stomach cancer progresses, it becomes more challenging to treat. That’s why it’s so important to know the facts about this disease before it potentially affects your life.

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Who is At Risk for Gastric Cancer?

Gastric cancer, or stomach cancer, can affect anyone. All it takes is for cancer cells to begin growing in the stomach.

But there are certain factors or lifestyle habits that can influence – and increase – your odds of developing stomach cancer. If you’re aware of these risk factors, you may be able to better understand how at-risk you are, or potentially make changes that lower your risk.

According to WebMD¹, the following factors can increase the risk of stomach cancer:

Additionally, individuals who have certain genes can also have an increased risk of stomach cancer. If you have a family history of gastric cancer, talk with your doctor about whether or not you may be predisposed due to your genes.

The Signs and Symptoms of Gastric Cancer

Many types of cancer grow within the body for years. Plenty of cancers don’t show symptoms early on, and this can make them incredibly difficult to diagnose.

And stomach cancer too begins to grow slowly over a long period of time. Pre-cancerous changes start happening in the stomach’s lining, and these changes don’t always result in any symptoms.

However, stomach cancer is different because it does begin causing changes in your health before other cancers. This type of cancer can actually be detected early, and symptoms can start to appear early on as the cancer grows. The first symptoms of stomach cancer, according to WebMD², are typically:

These symptoms can seem relatively normal or unconcerning initially. If you’re noticing changes like these in your health, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor to rule out other ailments or determine if they’re being caused by stomach cancer.

As stomach cancer continues to grow, it can begin causing additional symptoms. And these symptoms can be noticeably more problematic³:

If you’re concerned about new changes to your health, make an appointment to see your doctor to determine the cause. Stomach cancer can exhibit similar symptoms to other conditions, and it’s important to get to the root of the problem.

How This Cancer Progresses

Each case of stomach cancer is different. While stomach cancer typically exhibits familiar symptoms and progresses over time, it can vary from person to person.

There are a few different types of stomach cancer. Each type will have its own peculiarities, progression, and symptoms. The American Cancer Society⁴ categorizes the types as:

No matter which type of stomach cancer you develop, the stage is important. The stage of gastric cancer determines treatment plans, and it also affects the prognosis for your overall health and survival.

The stage is based on how much stomach cancer has spread throughout the body, or how long it’s been present. WebMD⁵ reports that the official stages are:

Treating Gastric Cancer

How gastric, or stomach, cancer is treated depends on a few factors. First, your doctor will determine how significant your cancer is and where it is located. Additionally, your doctor will determine the stage of your cancer.

These factors will determine the treatment plan for your unique case of stomach cancer. There are a number of different treatment options for stomach cancer, but how they are used depend on your health.

According to the Mayo Clinic⁶, stomach cancer can be treated with the following methods:

If you are diagnosed with stomach cancer, your doctor will develop a treatment plan based on your diagnosis. The key to treating cancer is getting diagnosed as early as possible. Early detection saves lives, and it can make a huge difference.

Talk with your doctor if you’re concerned about your risk of stomach cancer. Your doctor can help you determine your risk factors, test and screen for cancer if you’re concerned about changes to your health, and help guide your medical needs.




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